Monday, November 5, 2007

Welcome to our family blog!

Yes, I did it! I conformed! EEK! I guess email just isn't enough anymore. I know you all want to see pictures of our kids and know more about what we are up to ... so I made this blog - JUST FOR YOU! :-) And I assume you won't mind if we place a picture or two of Jeff or I, will ya?

If you have a blog, send me your link so I can put it on our friends and family list. Send it to

See you 'round the internet!

Angela and Jeff Boyle


Philip and Melissa said...

YEAHHHHHH! Welcome to the blogging excited to see that cute pic of the kiddos! What a fun memory!

Melissa said...

You've done a great job! We're excited to hear more and be able to keep in better touch! You can check our family out at
See you all soon!
Love, Melissa

Aaron said...

I love you!!!! Yeah!!!! I am so happy you joined us here in cyber space. If you are looking for a few other Moscow friends check my page--we have a few. I will check here often to keep updated.

In case you lost it.;)

Aaron said...

Just kidding. I just saw it on the list. I feel privileged to be one of the first!

Aaron said...

It's fun! I am learning so much about html and web design! Anyway. Donalee is going to make a page too! Anyway. I have a link to Matt and Sarah Malone on my page. I guess she knows some of the Boyles. A sister dated one of Jeff's brothers? Or something. Anyway. There are all kinds of people on here!

Porter Family said...

thank you for finally realizing that we are popular and joining the group...blogging is so much easier than emailing pictures all the time. You guys look really happy! I can't believe your kids are so big already. We sure miss you. Our blog address is...
whenever you want to join the fracas.